CW Rafael Genu / Davide Labò
AD Cristian Comand / Francesco Sgritta
CD Davide Labò / Francesco Sgritta
ECD Rafael Genu / Cristian Comand
CCO Francesco Poletti
@ VMLY&R, Milan, 2021
Directed by Ali Ali
CW Rafael Genu / Davide Labò
AD Cristian Comand / Francesco Sgritta
CD Rafael Genu / Cristian Comand
ECD Francesco Poletti
@ VMLY&R, Milan, 2019
Directed by Ali Ali
Print ads shot by Toilet Paper
CW Rafael Genu
AD Cristian Comand / Francesco Sgritta / Elena Fontani
CD Rafael Genu / Cristian Comand
ECD Francesco Poletti
@ VMLY&R, Milan, 2018
Directed by Ali Ali
Photographers: Sean Pecknold, Adi Goodrich
CW Rafael Melo
AD Erica Harumi
CD Rafael Genu / Gustavo Victorino
ECD Renato Simões
@ Wieden+Kennedy, São Paulo, 2015
Directed by João Papa & Manu Mazzaro
CW Rafael Genu
AD Pedro Utzeri / Felipe Massis
CD Pedro Utzeri / Marcio Juniot
ECD Marcelo Reis
@ Leo Burnett Tailor Made, São Paulo, 2014
CW Rafael Genu
AD Pedro Utzeri
CD Marcelo Reis / Guilherme Jahara
@ Leo Burnett Tailor Made, São Paulo, 2014
Directed by Carlos Manga Jr
CW Rafael Melo
AD Erica Harumi / Pedro Sattin
CD Rafael Genu / Gustavo Victorino
ECD Renato Simões
@ Wieden+Kennedy, São Paulo, 2015
Directed by Lemon
CW Rafael Melo
AD Erica Harumi / Pedro Sattin
CD Rafael Genu / Gustavo Victorino
ECD Renato Simões
@ Wieden+Kennedy, São Paulo, 2016
Directed by Lemon
CW Rafael Genu
AD Luis Paulo Gatti / Pedro Utzeri
CD Pedro Utzeri / Marcio Juniot
ECD Marcelo Reis / Guilherme Jahara
@ Leo Burnett Tailor Made, São Paulo, 2013
CW Rafael Melo
AD Erica Harumi / Pedro Sattin
CD Rafael Genu / Gustavo Victorino
ECD Renato Simões
@ Wieden+Kennedy, São Paulo, 2016
Directed by Alaska
CW Danone Global Team / Simone Maltagliati
AD Danone Global Team / Elena Fontani
CD Rafael Genu / Cristian Comand
ECD Francesco Poletti
@ VMLY&R, Milan, 2019
CW Fernando Duarte
AD Gustavo Victorino
CD Gustavo Victorino / Rafael Genu
ECD Renato Simões
@ Wieden+Kennedy, São Paulo, 2016
Directed by Felipe Mansur
CW Rafael Borna / Fernando Duarte
AD Thiago Andrade
CD Rafael Genu / Gustavo Victorino
ECD Renato Simões
@ Wieden+Kennedy, São Paulo, 2015
Directed by Gonzo Llorente
CW Pedro Prado / Rafael Genu
AD Gustavo Nardini
CD Fabio Fernandes / Pedro Prado / Rodrigo Castellari
@ F/Nazca S&S, São Paulo, 2015
CW Caio Leska
AD Raphael Taira
CD Rafael Genu, Marco Martins, Rodrigo Mendes
ECD Renato Simões
@ Wieden+Kennedy, São Paulo, 2016
Directed by Salsa
CW Rafael Genu
AD Pedro Utzeri / Luis Paulo Gatti
CD Guilherme Jahara / Alessandro Bernardo / Vinicius Stanzione
ECD Marcelo Reis
@ Leo Burnett Tailor Made, São Paulo, 2014
CW Rafael Genu
AD Vincent Berard
CD Anne-cécile Tauleigne
@ Saatchi&Saatchi, Paris, 2012
Directed by Simon Willows
CW Rafael Genu / Maurizio Cappelletti
AD Cristian Comand / Alessandro Cuviello
ECD Rafael Genu / Cristian Comand
@WPP Team Whirlpool, 2021
Directed by Martin Werner
CW Domenico Greco / Mario Vitale
AD Domenico Montemurro / Lorenzo Croci
CD Domenico Montemurro / Rafael Genu / Cristian Comand
ECD Francesco Poletti
@ VMLY&R, Milan, 2020
For such a traditional coffee, in such a traditional country, partying with a transgender cartoonist, a black gay female footballer and a movie director of Bangladeshi origins - among others - is not exactly the anniversary campaign one would expect. We gave voice to a new generation of Italians set to project the country for the next 50 years.
An ode to a new contemporary Italy featuring emerging Italian artists of different origins like Gaia, Madame, Rkomi & Samurai Jay.
CW Rafael Genu / Davide Labò
AD Cristian Comand / Francesco Sgritta
CD Rafael Genu / Cristian Comand
ECD Francesco Poletti
@ VMLY&R, Milan, 2019
Love for nature meets love for coffee.
Photographer: Julia Fullerton-Batten
Directed by Ali Ali
Photographers: Sean Pecknold, Adi Goodrich
CW Rafael Genu
AD Gustavo Nardini
CD Fabio Fernandes / Eduardo Lima / Pedro Prado / Rodrigo Castellari
@ F/Nazca S&S, São Paulo, 2015
Directed by André Godoi
O melhor plano de saúde é viver. O segundo melhor é Unimed.
@ F/Nazca S&S, Rio de Janeiro, 2003-2010
Directed by Butchers
Directed by 300ml
Directed by Dois
Directed by Salto Brothers
Case Study
Radio Spot